Services & Offerings
Switchgear Modernization
- Praetorian Power Protection is highly qualified to provide all parts, breakers, and onsite installation services as a complete turnkey for customer
- This retrofit can be performed in a phased approach with proper planning
- The turnkey retrofit will ultimately replace the “end of life” breakers and guarantee longevity for many more years to come
Why a Retrofit Vs. Replacement?
- A retrofit can be installed in several days depending on the number of breakers.
- No permits required
- Retrofit will keep existing footprint of breakers
- No major rigging required
- No new cabling. Replacement equipment may require all new feeder runs to be installed.
- Reduced downtime and minimal changeover during upgrade
- Increased reliability and performance
- Reduced unexpected maintenance expenditures
- Ability to add new accessories
- Easy to access spare parts
- Shorter lead time (16-24 Week)
- Rip and replacement of switchgear can take several weeks
- GC/EC and Permitting Required
- No guarantee of same footprint
- Rigging required
- Likely will require new LV cables/terminations
- Significant downtime
- Long-lead times on new equipment (52 Weeks)
- Relay Retrofits upgrades, replacing outdated protections systems to the latest standards and technology: Example (GE-735 & 737 to a New Multilin 850 )
- Replace existing outdated controls with redundant SEL 3530 (or Similar) Real-Time Automation Controllers (RTAC) provides a multifunctional control, and allows for endless customization of control parameters
Praetorian Power Protection Value Add
- Local presence in critical markets across the country
- 40 years of combined internal experience working on complex retrofit projects
- Our solution will modify the existing cradle to fit a standard “off the shelf” Breaker
- We will provide a 1-year warranty on parts and installation (same as factory)
- OEM direct retrofit solution will keep the existing cradle the same, but make you purchase a custom and modified breaker
- Extremely long lead times for a custom breaker
- Every cubicle could be different (especially the 4000-5000AF)
- Very hard to manage spares that are all custom
- Would require OEM to perform the installation